I just came to the most amazing realization on the bus from Cuenca, Ecuador to Santa Isabel. I thought I would try to channel some ancient Incas while here. I started thinking of how to grow figs in different climates. I thought about the Egyptians and humidity and airflow and geothermal hoop houses and pyramids and it hit me. like a voice from the distant past. Pyramids are not burial tombs, they are sprouting chambers for fig trees. This is why figs are buried with the dead. It was to preserve the seeds for the future. In a desert climate it is almost impossible to sprout figs, but not if they are underground especially in a chamber where two sides are always cool, one side is hot in the morning and one side gets hot in the evening. This is why the pyramids are aligned with the sun. It is truly ingenious, most likely copied from termites who build similar mounds, they must have witnessed seeds sprouting in termite mounds. Pyramids are also found in Iraq and South America. the Incas may have come from Egypt, they may even be the actual Hebrews, Gods chosen people to carry figs to the other side of the world. The Egyptians knew the world was round and they also knew the destiny of man is to spread the Sycamore fig throughout the Earth. Incas built pyramids to sprout figs. This is how they could survive such a harsh climate, they had the perfect food!
This even explains the design of Native American tepees.
Even the limestone used for the pyramids had the perfect specific heat, no other stone would have worked.
Stones worked like giant batteries.
Interesting, im back in Germany and my goal is going back to Kenya, maybe through egypt and sudan. I'll spread the figs :)